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To PURCHASE a SINGLE COPY of the "High Energy Diet" book click on this link è 'Product - Page 1 of 4'.
To complete BULK ORDER PURCHASES of "High Energy Diet" books click on this link è 'Product - Page 5 of 5'.

Quote: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Since publishing this book, I have received many testimonies (see below) from Pastors and congregants, of how this book has improved their quality of life - giving many a second chance to gain their health and energy back again.
This is truly an inspired helpful book in the midst of an epidemic of lethargy and obesity!
· A simple practical lasting solution.
· A healthy enjoyable way of life.
· Up to 100% more energy - God made our marvelous bodies to abound with energy.
· 14 Tried and tested 'Fat Melting Tips' (FMT) - melting fat like snow on a warm Spring day.
· Supplied motivation to win and reach your goal.
· Eat till you're satisfied - no limited portions or weighing of foods.
· The 5 essentials to excellent health.
· Includes your healthy Height/Weight chart.
· Includes your safe effective training heart rate calculation.
· Shift your immune system into high gear.
· A cleansed healthy digestive tract - because 90% of all disease begins in an unhealthy colon.
· No more over-stuffed 'after meal' blues.
· Greatly reduced 'after meal' energy drain.
· Overcoming gluttony.
· Gaining appetite control.
· Includes some sensible natural cures.
· Includes inspiring motivational quotations.
· 16 Lifestyle rules for High Energy living.
· Easy reading - ideal for infrequent readers.
· Each achiever inspires many successors.
· A fast selling biblically inspired book.
· Increased discounts for larger orders.
The last ¾'s of this book is worth reading for all the proven information on safe, effective permanent fat loss.  This is separate from the High Energy Diet explained in the first ¼ of the book.  In fact the last ¾'s of this book is loaded with tested, tried & proven information that works well to help anyone quickly and healthily loose fat the natural way.  That's right - loose excess fat

just by being sensible - without stringent dieting.
This powerful information, that gives one up to 100% more energy, will also
work for those who do not have excess fat to loose.

Ted Pennington - Orange, TX:
I am half the man I used to be - you're book gave me my life back again.  Thank you!  Now I head up a popular growing class in our church of similar achievers who feel the same way I do - full of energy.
Pastor Cecil Hall - Anderson, MO: Hello Smiley!  I thank God for the day I met you over lunch and you explained this amazing diet to me.  When I returned home from the Pastors conference I immediately started eating this new healthy way, drinking plenty of water and doing some walking.  One week later I have incredible energy, am sleeping so well, wake up feeling rested and have lost 14 pounds!  Awesome!!  Realistically I know I won't loose 14 lbs every week (my hope was to lose 2½ lbs a week), but I sure started out with a BANG!  However, I now feel very confident I'll be plotting my actual weekly weight on my target goal graph way ahead of schedule, and that really motivates me.
I'm also directing a lot of people to this wonderful diet.  Thank you so much and God richly bless you.
UPDATE: I've lost 47 lbs in 4 months.
Rev. Smiley T. Papenfus - Tampa, FL: I lost 6 lbs each week in my first 2 weeks and a total of 34 lbs in 2½ months to reach my goal.  My doctor did a full medical before and after.  The results were improved in every area, including my cholesterol which went from critical to slightly above normal - naturally!!  Thrilled with the new healthy me, he said, "Well done Smiley, keep it up!"
Pastor David Bohannon - Richmond, KY: I'm so happy to share with you that I've lost 16 pounds in the last 4 weeks on this wonderful diet with just 20 more to go.  The beauty of it is that it doesn't feel like I'm on diet - plus I'm abounding with energy.  Thank you for your great little book loaded with so much practical information and strong motivation.
Bob & Mary Zeller - Redington Shores, FL: I am recovering from Ulcerative Colitis, and my wife has been overweight most of her life.  We have tried many different diets - yours seems to be working the best for us.  At 56 years of age, I feel like a 20 year old again.  The prospect of reaching my ideal weight is exciting.
Mary Smith - Grayson, KY: As a sugar diabetes suffer, I bought this book on a Sunday and immediately started on this new healthy way of sensible eating.  By Wednesday my sugar had normalized.  I bought 10 more High Energy Diet books for all my sugar diabetes friends.
Disclaimer: This book makes no claim to cure sugar diabetes or any other disease, but it's amazing how well the body responds to sensible healthy eating, regular exercise, quality sleep, fresh air, pure water, a cleansed digestive tract, reduced stress, a great positive outlook, etc. - this book will motivate and help people achieve all the above - from which miraculous results can and have resulted.
Note: Each reader will experience varied results, depending on their level of application.
Note: Always consult your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

My doctor said I was a 'heart attack waiting to happen' and 34 pounds later said I couldn't be in better health.

I've been fat and I've been thin - thin is better, healthier and helps one have 100% more energy - if for no other reason, do it for your heart.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The world belongs to the ENERGETIC.  Winners have the discipline to eat right, exercise right and sleep right.  This gives them the physical and mental ENERGY to reach their goal.
Samuel Johnson: He who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.
Thomas R. Jones: By eating what is sufficient man is enabled to work; conversely he is hindered from working and becomes heavy, idle, and stupid if he eats too much.

What qualifies me to write this book?
This book is not something that I suddenly decided to write on a whim last week, or last year.  Rather it is valuable health related knowledge I've gained since 1979 by reading several highly recommended health/diet books.  I've personally tested and proved the validity of the information shared in this book - it's not pie in the sky, but stake on the plate - it works!  Further inspiration has come from my interaction with equally studious piers, who had the same quest of wanting to 'understand mans responsibility' for us to enjoy good health, as clearly revealed from Genesis to Revelation...
3  John 1:2 (NLT) Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is.
However, if we consistently break the natural laws of God, we should not be surprised if we reap the consequences.  So, let us diligently discover and practice these natural health laws for our wellbeing and longevity.  We also need to allow good God given common sense and daily disciplines to prevail.

To PURCHASE a SINGLE COPY of the "High Energy Diet" book click on this link è 'Product - Page 1 of 4'.
To complete BULK ORDER PURCHASES of "High Energy Diet" books click on this link è 'Product - Page 5 of 5'.

Click on this link è for 'Confession of faith for weight control' web-page.
Click on this link è for 'A Daily Workout for Regular travelers' web-page.

Related links è: - 'Bible Study and Ministry Aids - Home Page'

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