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Taking A FEW MINUTES TO READ THIS could significantly increase God's blessing on your life and ministry...

My lifetime friend and wise Pastor in South Africa, Theo Wolmarans, once said to me, "Smiley, I've come to understand that you can have the best PRAYER program, the best EVANGELISM program, and the best SHEPHERDING program (we worked hard to have of the best), yet your church will still not grow (as it could), until you understand and implement the principles of Management by Measurement."
How true I discovered this to be.  That is why this seminar is an ESSENTIAL supporting pillar of church growth.
(Once we understood and implemented the principles of Management by Measurement, the gears of prayer, evangelism & shepherding started smoothly meshing together, moving us forward - we became unstuck and saw supernatural growth from 3,500 to 10,000 members over the next 9 years.  Basically, through good management we stopped dropping the ball - it's amazing what a difference that makes to the end result.)

Here are 4 biblical examples of lives, ministries and destinies that attained the next level of success, right after God in His wisdom brought a well trained leader across their path, to teach them these essential management principles...
1. God had
Moses first stop and learn these principles from his father-in-law Jethro, before allowing him to lead the sons of Israel onward to the promised land.  In His wisdom, He knew that without these skills, Moses could not be successful in his assignment.
2. Jacob sent his sons out to shepherd the flock, but kept his favorite son
Joseph back to school him in these principles, to prepare him to manage his prosperous estate - this training eventually promoted Joseph to ruler over all the land of Egypt.  The man who can mange is the man who will lead - the majority of people will only follow a confident leader.
Nehemiah clearly gleaned and learned these principles in the presence of a great King, which prepared him to organize and motivate the rebuilding of the walls - our spiritual church walls will never rise to their glory until we too learn these same skills.
4. What Church Growth wisdom does the seasoned Apostle
Paul offer to young Pastor Timothy - and by extension to every Pastor who desires for his church to fulfill her destiny? - 1 Tim 3:5 ...if a man DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO will he take care of the church of God?  Answer: probably poorly, because as Paul explains, it's just not possible to effectively take good care of the church of God without developed management skills.
Last years mediocre skills, will never achieve next years success results.
If we want to improve our result, we first need to sharpen our leadership skills.
God will only entrust us with great increase, after we've proved we can faithfully take care of what we already have.

Rev. Smiley T. Papenfus: I have done many Bible training courses in my 33 years of serving Jesus, but none helped me more than the Management by Measurement seminar - I left this seminar fully equipped with the ESSENTIAL TOOLS to manage my life, my time and my ministry - to finally make January's goals a reality every December - which we did year after year - this is not pie in the sky, its steak on the plate - IT REALLY DOES WORK!!!
NB. Only because I have been trained so well, can I train so well (I say this humbly, only echoing the testimonies of scores of Pastors who've experienced this quality training).
This super practical and most enjoyable seminar will greatly benefit
every member of your church, but especially train, equip, develop and unify EVERY LEADER AND DEPARTMENT HEAD in your church to all be on the same page of…
i)    shooting for the same common MAJOR CHURCH GOAL
ii)   each following their own personalized workable PLAN
iii)  all being highly motivated, sharply focussed and exceptionally well ORGANIZED (far more than ever before) - each one understanding their own key issues that produce results - spending sufficient time on them everyday
iv)  and weekly MEASURED AND MANAGED to keep the ship on course to reach its desired destination right on time.
This is that 'one practical seminar' that will fully equip you and your church to attain your goals.
No matter how many times you've only partially succeeded before, this time YOU WILL WIN!!!

NB. EVERY CHURCH member in America should be privileged to benefit from this incredible seminar.

Apostle Ed Bledsoe (who oversees about 25 churches in Louisiana), told me he wished he'd been taught these principles 30 years earlier in Bible College.
Pastor Bray Sibly in Hammond, LA (a church of around 4,000) has had me teach this 3 times in his church - first to his Pastors, then to his members and lastly to all leaders of their associate churches.  His Pastors told me each time was even more helpful than the previous.

COURSE RECOMMENDATION: See testimonies from various Pastors who've sat under this course.

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| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

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