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Luke 3:21-22 (NAS) Now it came about when all the people were baptized, that Jesus also was baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened,
22  and the
Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, "Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased."

Flying Dove

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| H7a prh | H8 mmf | H9 kfs | H10 ksl | H11 dhk | H12 ppw | H13 ady | H14 cmf | H15 jbc | H16 cta | H17 mbc | H18 slt |
| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

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